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Understanding Text Override Values

Understanding Text Override Values in Actions

Text Override Values are a feature of Actions which allow you to enter text with a specific syntax into the Message of an Action which the Iotplus Online portal replaces with information from the triggering event. This allows you to customize the message of the Action delivered to the rcipient to include information specific to the triggering condition. This article will provide information on this feature.

How Text Override Values can be utilized

Configuring an Action to include Text Override Values allows you to include dynamic information on the triggering event in the text of the message delivered to the recipient. Details like the triggering sensor ID, name, date, reading, and other information can be delivered in the message.

For example, an Action configured with the following text in the Message field of an Action would result in the text message delivered to the recipient as shown in the corresponding screenshot.

Text entered into the Message (and SMS Message) Field:
“TemperatureData Greater Than 32 {ID} {Reading} {Time} {ReadingDate} {ReadingTime} {Name} {Reading

Message of Action

Recipient text message:

Text Message Received

Recipient text message:

As you can see in the above example, the Text Override Values are entered as specific text inside “{ }” (known as “curly braces”), and when the notification is sent to the recipient, the Iotplus Portal replaces these values with the corresponding information.

Available Text Override Values

The values listed below are the available Text Override Values which you can include in messages. You can view these inside the Actions Message configuration by clicking the small exclamation point icon next to the Message label.

Text Override Values - When Configuring Action

Available Text Override Values:
{ID} : Unique ID of the sensor or gateway that triggered the notification
{Name} : Name of the sensor or gateway that triggered the notification
{Reading} : Current Reading of the notification
{Network} : Name of the network the sensor or gateway belongs to
{Notification} : Name of the Notification
{Subject} : Subject of the Notification
{AccountNumber} : Account number of the account that the notification belongs to
{CompanyName} : Company name of the account that the notification belongs to
{Address} : Address of the account where the sensor should
{Address2} : Suite, apartment, ect number of the accounts address
{City} : City of where the account is located
{State} : State of where the account is located
{PostalCode} : PostalCode of where the account is located
{Country} : Country of where the account is located
{Date} : Date the Notification was sent
{Time} : Time the Notification was sent
{ReadingDate} : Current Notification trigger Date
{ReadingTime} : Current Notification trigger Time
{OriginalReadingDate} : Original Notification triggering Date
{OriginalReadingTime} : Original Notification triggering Time
{OriginalReading} : Original Reading that triggered the notification
{Acknowledge} : Link to Acknowledge a Notification (Email Only)
{AcknowledgeURL} : The raw URL of the link to Acknowledge a Notification


Configuring Text Override Values as part of your notifications can expand your capabilities with the Iotplus system. If you have related inquiries about Text Override Values, feel free to contact Iotplus Support.

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