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Premiere Subscription Expiration/Renewal

If your Iotplus Premiere Subscription Expires

renewing your iMonnit premier subscription

Note: This applies to the Iotplus Online portal. Licenses for other software such as EnterpriseExpress, or MINE are managed separately.

When your Iotplus Premiere subscription expires, and you find Iotplus Online features are no longer available:

In addition to the free Iotplus Basic subscription, Iotplus also offers a paid yearly subscription for Iotplus Premiere which starts at $39/year. Some key features to the Iotplus Premiere subscription are:

  • 10 minute minimum heartbeats (as opposed to 120 minimum heartbeats with the free Iotplus Basic)
  • Multiple users (as opposed to a single user)
  • Advanced sensor configurations and operation (such as the ability to configure the sensor’s Aware State)
  • Access to 1 year of sensor history in the Iotplus Online Portal (versus 90 days)

If you had an Iotplus Premiere subscription that expired, you may have noticed these features removed from your account. This might come in the form of all users except the Primary Contact on the account being disabled, your heartbeats changing to 120 minutes unexpectedly, or access to advanced sensor configurations that are no longer visible. This can happen when the 45-day free trial expires or when your previously paid subscription ends. When this occurs, you will need to renew the subscription by purchasing a new annual license. This can be done by following the steps below.

Summary of Steps

  • Purchase an Iotplus Premiere Subscription key.
  • Apply the Iotplus Premiere Subscription key to your Iotplus account.

Purchase an Iotplus Premiere Subscription key

Note: Iotplus Premiere subscriptions are annual licenses that are distinguished by the sensor limit. Each license has a limit to the number of sensors on the account. For example, if you have 6 sensors, you will want a Premiere 6 license. If you have 150 sensors, you will want a Premiere 200 license.

There are two manners by which you can purchase an Iotplus Premiere Subscription. This can be done using one of the following methods:

From your Iotplus Online account (this will require a payment method to be stored on the account)

  • Log into your account.
  • If you are an administrator, click the Settings option in the sidebar to the left.
  • Find the section labeled “Subscription”, and click Purchase Premiere.
  • You will be prompted to enter a payment method if one is not already added to the account. If you have a payment method, you can continue to check out.

From the sales website:

  • Visit the site, and access the Premiere Subscription product page
  • Select the appropriate license for the number of sensors on your account.
  • Complete the purchase by checking out.
  • You will receive an email with the Premiere Subscription code.
  • Once you receive the code, log into your account with an Administrator login.
  • Click Settings in the lower left-hand sidebar.
  • In the Premiere section, enter the Premiere Subscription Key in the Subscription Key field.
  • Click the Submit buttoPremiere SubscriptionThis will apply the Premiere subscription to your account.

Sensor settings not available to Basic Users

Iotplus Basic users do not have access to Advanced sensor configurations. This list is included below.

Interval: How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity is recorded.
Sensor Name: The unique name given to this particular sensor for easy identification.

Activate when: Determines which reading of the sensor will trigger the Aware State.
Active Between: The time of day the sensor is actively working. No communication will take place while the sensor is hibernating.
Assessments per Heartbeat: How many times between heartbeats a sensor will check measurements against its thresholds to determine whether it will enter or remain in the aware state. (Concerning the sensor heartbeat, if the sensor HB is at 10 minutes and the APH is at 10, the sensor will assess conditions against the parameters once a minute. If the HB is at 10 and the APH is at 20, it will assess about every 30 seconds. If the HB is at 10 and the APH is at 250, then the sensor will assess the conditions at its maximum frequency of 1 second. )
Aware State Buffer: A buffer that prevents the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when the assessments are very close to a threshold.
Aware State Heartbeat: How frequently the sensor transmits data to the gateway while in the aware state.
Display As: Set the label for the data type (i.e. Fahrenheit vs. Celsius).
Failed transmissions before link mode: The number of transmissions the sensor sends without a response from a gateway before it goes into Link mode.
Heartbeat Interval: How often the sensor transmits data to the gateway if no out of threshold activity is recorded.
Hysteresis: A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between standard operation and the aware state.
Maximum Threshold: Any assessment above this value will cause the sensor to enter the “Aware State”.
Minimum Threshold: Any assessment below this value will cause the sensor to enter the “Aware State”.
The sensor is on: The time of day the sensor is actively working. No communication will be sent while the sensor is hibernating.
Sensor Name: The unique name given to this particular sensor for easy identification.
Show Dew Point: Includes the dew point as a piece of information to the data to be displayed.
Synchronize: In small sensor networks, the sensors can be set to synchronize their communications. A sensor marked “Yes” for synchronize, does so with UTC. So it will set itself to communicate at Midnight UTC then base its heartbeat on that, rather than on when the battery is inserted. The default setting “Off” allows the sensors to randomize their communication, therefore, maximizing communication robustness. Setting this will synchronize the communication of the sensors.
Time Frame: Time frame in minutes to evaluate
Time to Re-Arm (seconds): The time in seconds after a triggering event that the sensor will wait before re-arming itself.
Use Aware State: Any assessments outside of these user-set values will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.
Use this sensor through a repeater: Check this box if the sensor will be used in conjunction with a repeater. (Default status is unchecked). Note: Only applies to sensors with firmware released before


After applying the Premiere subscription, your Premiere features (additional users, 10 minute heartbeats, advanced sensor configurations, and more) will return.

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