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If your 2G or 3G Gateway Reports Repeating “Gateway Management” Messages

If you see repeating “Gateway Management” messages reported by your Iotplus 2G or 3G Gateway

The most common cause for this repeating Gateway Management on the Iotplus 2G or 3G Gateways is a low CR2032 clock battery. Some 2G or 3G Gateways Iotplus manufactures have a 3.6 V CR2032 coincell battery on the underside of the gateway’s main-board which allows the gateway to keep an accurate time clock (which allows for connection to the cellular tower). Not all 3G Cellular Gateways Iotplus offers include the battery. But if your gateway does require the battery and this battery needs to be replaced, the gateway can be unable to start a session with the cellular tower. You will find the steps for troubleshooting in this article.

Also, see this article for identifying Gateway Management message types.

  1. Open the gateway’s casing (remove the four screws at each corner on the underside of the gateway).
  2. Check if there is a coincell battery cage on the underside of the main-board. If you see a coincell battery cage, remove the battery with a paperclip or similar object pushing the battery out of the cage.
  3. Replace the battery with a confirmed good 3.6 V CR2032 battery.
  4. Complete a full reset of the gateway by following the steps in the article linked here.
  5. If needed, (re)provision the gateway using the steps in the article linked here.

If you find the issue persists at this point, try removing the CR2032 battery from the gateway and testing again. If the issue persists, please contact with the Gateway ID for resolution.

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