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Configuring the GSM International Cellular Gateway for SIM Cards

Configuring the cellular gateway (CGW) for any SIM is simple. Send an SMS to the SIM being used in the open CGW. Below are the instructions on how to accomplish this for the European market.

  • Customer checks with the selected mobile operator (SIM provider) to know the APN name for the GPRS network (usually: ApnName, userName, password).
  • Insert the new SIM in the Iotplus CGW. Keep the CGW power off during this process.
  • From any mobile phone send an SMS text to the assigned SIM number using the following syntax:
  • apn_config ApnName,User,Password,
  • (don’t forget the last comma and only one space after apn_config)

Here is an example:
Vodafone GPRS Configurations –
ApnName : internet.vodafone .net
User Name : internet
Password: internet
Send SMS text as follows: apn_config

In case there is no user name or password, replace with “null” as follows: apn_config internet.vodafone .net, null, null,

  • Power on the CGW (note: the first time the CGW takes a bit longer to connect to the GPRS).

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